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Munna Man and Baby Lady: The Case of the Aunty Brigade

Author: Shahbano Bilgrami
PKR 200.00 (Recommended retail price)
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ISBN 9789697347087
Category(s) Readers

Daliya and Anniyah are two regular kids who live with their parents in a house in the woods in snowy New York state. Once a year, they travel with their mother halfway across the world to their other home, Pakistan. There, armed with secret identities as well as a secret language of mixed up Urdu-English words, Daliya and Anniyah are pirate-hustling, dakoo-busting, punch-thrusting crime fighters. Join Munna Man and Baby Lady on their adventures as they and their friends solve cases and fight crime.

The fine ladies of the Big City are in a tizzy. Why does their jewellery keep disappearing? The problem really hits home when Daliya and Anniyah’s own mother discovers her trinkets have been stolen. The girls’ investigation takes them all over, from Hirapheri Jewellers in Saddar to the fanciest houses of Karachi. This time it looks like Daliya and Anniyah are really stumped. Where are Munna Man and Baby Lady when you need them the most?

readerhip Readership / Level Ages 8 years and above
rights Rights World
binding Binding E-Book