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The Corporate Governance Landscape of Pakistan

Author: Edited by Sadia Khan
PKR 350.00 (Recommended retail price)
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ISBN 9780199404025

The Corporate Governance Landscape of Pakistan is a story told by the pioneers of corporate governance in the country for the benefit of those who will take it to the next
level of policy advocacy and enforcement. It provides a comprehensive guide to the policy frameworks, principles, and practices of corporate governance in Pakistan today. It also attempts to capture the essence of the corporate environment of Pakistan on the eve of the introduction of the first Code of Corporate Governance. It reveals, through subsequent policy additions, the sea change in mindsets the first set of policy reforms facilitated. The book is meant both as a historical anthology of work already accomplished in the realm of corporate governance as well as a reference book for future regulators, educators, and practitioners. It recognizes the fact that immense effort—some of which remains under-appreciated—has already gone into enhancing the corporate governance environment of the country.

weight Weight 0.50
rights Rights World
publications Year of Publication 2016
binding Binding Hardback
pages Pages 280 pages