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The Politics of Ethnicity and Federalism in Pakistan

Author: Edited by Ryan Brasher
PKR 980.00 (Recommended retail price)
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ISBN 9780190700454
Category(s) Politics

This volume seeks to address two distinct yet interconnected issues: centre-periphery relations and ethnic identity in Pakistan. First, there has been a recurring debate about the formal structure of federalism in Pakistan, especially the proper distribution of power between the federation and the provinces. Secondly, scholars and policymakers wonder about the extent to which ethnolinguistic and religious identities should serve as the basis for provincial territorial boundaries. Covering almost every region of Pakistan, the authors of this volume essentially seek to understand how Pakistan’s ethno-federal setup works—both formally and informally—and how it has interacted with, encouraged, or hindered ethnolinguistic mobilization in various provinces and sub-provincial units. They seek to understand Pakistan’s ethno-federal setup by addressing the following questions: How did ethno-federalism emerge and develop over time. Why are only some ethnolinguistic identities recognized? Should current provinces be subdivided? Should territories without provincial status be kept autonomous, merged with other provinces, or given separate provincial status?

weight Weight 0.21
rights Rights World
publications Year of Publication December 2020
binding Binding Paperback
pages Pages 228

Author Description

About the Editor

Ryan Brasher has been teaching at Forman Christian College, Lahore, since February 2014.  He specializes in comparative politics, and is particularly interested in state development and identity formation in Central and South Asia. His past and present projects include a comparative study of infrastructural power in early twentieth century Afghanistan and Iran, Tajik ethnic identity in Afghanistan and Tajikistan