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The Arts and Crafts of the Hunza Valley in Pakistan

Author: Jürgen Wasim Frembgen
PKR 1,000.00 (Recommended retail price)
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ISBN 9789697346141
Category(s) E-Books

The Arts and Crafts of the Hunza Valley in Pakistan is a thorough ethnographic field research conducted over a period of twenty years. It is augmented by the author’s selection of photographs which add depth to the study by providing a frame of reference for the wide array of crafts and lifestyles that existed and continue to flourish in the area.  He delves into the variations of art fostered in the Valley, from woodwork to embroidery, by taking into account the geographical and historical links to Central Asia and Kashmir, hence, exploring the amalgamation of cultures that enrich the work. The author has systematically carried out studies of locals from all walks of life. His interviews of master craftspeople, which are on the verge of disappearing along with the correct indigenous terminology, help enhance the distinct cultures of that region. This book is an important reference material for those who are interested in understanding the Hunza region, its people, and its arts and crafts.

rights Rights World
publications Year of Publication 2023
binding Binding E-Book
pages Pages 118